Data owners often hesitate to share sensitive data due to risks like privacy breaches, IP theft, and blackmail, hindering important work that could benefit society.

Syft enables Data Scientists to ask questions and receive answers without accessing the actual dataset. Data Owners can establish robust privacy controls, enabling collaboration while protecting sensitive information.

Link to Syft.

Traditional time series analysis separates preprocessing tasks, such as computing lags, applying transformations, and feature engineering, from the actual model fitting process, making the overall workflow more cumbersome.

In contrast, MLForecast integrates preprocessing tasks within a single class. This streamlines the workflow, enabling easy experimentation with different preprocessing and modeling combinations.

Link to MLForecast

In Python, the property decorator controls property access and modification through getters and setters.

For example, in a BankAccount class, without getters and setters, the balance can be directly modified, potentially leading to an invalid state.

Using getters and setters ensures the balance cannot be set to an invalid value.

Detecting file types helps identify malicious files disguised with false extensions, such as a .jpg that is actually malware.

Magika, Google’s AI-powered file type detection tool, uses deep learning for precise detection. In the following code, files have misleading extensions, but Magika still accurately detects their correct types.

Link to Magika.

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