Delta Lake: Safely Delete Millions of Records Without Memory Overload

Delta Lake: Safely Delete Millions of Records Without Memory Overload


Traditional data deletion approaches are problematic for data engineers and analysts because they require loading entire datasets into memory and risk data corruption during modification.

To demonstrate these issues, let’s first create a sample dataset that resembles a real-world customer database with information about account types, balances, and activity metrics:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Create a large example dataset (1 million rows)
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'customer_id': range(1_000_000),
    'status': ['active', 'inactive'] * (1_000_000 // 2),
    'balance': np.random.uniform(0, 10000, 1_000_000),

Now let’s examine the typical approach used to delete records from this dataset. Imagine we need to remove all basic accounts with low balances and minimal activity – a common data maintenance task:

# Traditional problematic approach
    # 1. Load entire file (1M rows) into memory
    data = pd.read_parquet('customer_data.parquet')  # Memory intensive
    # 2. Filter out inactive basic accounts with low balance
    data = data[~((data['status'] == 'inactive') & 
                  (data['balance'] < 100))]
    # 3. Overwrite file - risk of corruption if process fails
    data.to_parquet('customer_data.parquet')  # Unsafe
except MemoryError:
    print("Not enough memory to process 1M rows")

This approach has several critical issues:

  1. Memory Usage: The entire dataset must be loaded into memory, which can cause OOM (Out of Memory) errors with large datasets
  2. Data Corruption: If the process fails during the write operation, the data file could be left in a corrupted state
  3. No Audit Trail: No record of what data was deleted or when
  4. No Recovery: Once data is overwritten, there’s no way to recover the previous state

Introduction to delta-rs

delta-rs is a native Rust library for Delta Lake with Python bindings that provides robust data manipulation capabilities. Install it using:

pip install deltalake

As covered in the article about efficient data appending, delta-rs provides efficient data modification capabilities without loading entire datasets into memory.

Predicate-based Deletion

Building on delta-rs’s partitioning capabilities and change tracking, the delete operation allows efficient removal of specific records.

First, let’s recreate our test dataset in the Delta Lake format:

from deltalake import write_deltalake, DeltaTable
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Create a large example dataset (1 million rows)
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'customer_id': range(1_000_000),
    'status': ['active', 'inactive'] * (1_000_000 // 2),
    'balance': np.random.uniform(0, 10000, 1_000_000),

# Write to Delta format
write_deltalake("./customer_data", df)

Now, instead of using the problematic traditional approach, we can leverage delta-rs to handle the deletion in a much safer and more efficient way:

# Perform safe deletion
dt = DeltaTable("./customer_data")
    status = 'inactive' AND 
    balance < 100.0 

When running this operation, delta-rs provides detailed metrics about the deletion process:

{'num_added_files': 1,
 'num_removed_files': 1,
 'num_deleted_rows': 5019,
 'num_copied_rows': 994981,
 'execution_time_ms': 220121,
 'scan_time_ms': 69760,
 'rewrite_time_ms': 148}

This approach provides several safety guarantees:

  • Time Travel: Previous versions can be accessed if needed
  • Memory Efficient: Only metadata and necessary data blocks are loaded
  • Transactional: Changes are atomic – either complete successfully or not at all
  • Audit Trail: All operations are logged in the transaction log

You can verify the operation and access previous versions:

# Check operation history
print("Operation History:")
for entry in dt.history():
    print(f"Version {entry['version']}: {entry['operation']}")

# Access previous version if needed
dt_previous = DeltaTable("./customer_data", version=dt.version() - 1)
print("\nPrevious version data:")


Operation History:
Version 1: DELETE

Previous version data:
   customer_id    status      balance
0            0    active  2281.154365
1            1  inactive  8330.057614
2            2    active  9908.828674
3            3  inactive  3766.795979
4            4    active  8536.698571
5            5  inactive  8681.325433
6            6    active  1610.351636
7            7  inactive  2537.934431
8            8    active  4278.094055
9            9  inactive  3531.708249


The predicate-based deletion feature in delta-rs transforms a potentially dangerous operation into a safe, transactional process. When combined with its partition overwrite capabilities, it provides a comprehensive solution for data management.

Link to delta-rs

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