PyWebIO: Write Interactive Web App in Script Way Using Python

PyWebIO: Write Interactive Web App in Script Way Using Python

Have you ever wanted to create a web application in only several lines of Python code? If you are looking for something that is easier to learn than Django and Flask, but more customizable than Streamlit, you will love PyWebIO.

PyWebIO is a Python library that allows you to build simple web applications without the knowledge of HTML and Javascript. The GIF above shows how some of the things you can do with PyWebIO.

Link to the article.

Link to the source code.




2 thoughts on “PyWebIO: Write Interactive Web App in Script Way Using Python”

  1. Uday Guntupalli

    Hey Khuyen,
    Thank you for this great tip. I attempted to try an example of the same, however the web page never really loads. Do you know why that could happen or how to fix that ?

    import pandas as pd
    from pywebio.input import file_upload
    from pywebio.output import put_table, put_loading
    from pywebio import start_server
    import csv
    import re

    def app():
    file = file_upload(label=’Upload your CSV file’, accept=’.csv’)
    content = file[‘content’].decode(‘utf-8′).splitlines()

    df = content_to_pandas(content)

    def create_profile(df: pd.DataFrame):

    def content_to_pandas(content: list):
    with open(“tmp.csv”, “w”) as csv_file:
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=’\t’)
    for line in content:
    writer.writerow(re.split(‘\s+’, line))
    return pd.read_csv(“tmp.csv”)

    if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
    start_server(app, port=37791, debug=True)



    1. Khuyen Tran

      Hi Uday, try to remove port=37791 and see if it works. Then use the port the website is rendered at for the value of the port in the start_server() function.

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