Fuzzy Joining Tables with Non-Exact Matching Entries

Fuzzy Joining Tables with Non-Exact Matching Entries

When working with datasets from different sources, it’s common to encounter non-exact matching entries. For instance, a country name might be listed as “Yemen*” in one table and “Yemen, Rep.” in another. In such cases, using a traditional join operation might not yield the desired results.

Let’s consider two tables: the Happiness Report 2022 dataset and the World Bank’s GDP per capita dataset. We want to join these tables in the country name column, but we noticed that the country names don’t match exactly.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(
df = df[["Country", "Happiness score"]]

from skrub.datasets import fetch_world_bank_indicator
gdppc = fetch_world_bank_indicator(indicator_id="NY.GDP.PCAP.CD").X

Let’s take a look at the last few rows of each table to see the non-exact matching entries:

       Country  Happiness score
107  Venezuela           4925.0
76     Vietnam           5485.0
131     Yemen*           4197.0
136     Zambia           3760.0
143   Zimbabwe           2995.0
146         xx              NaN
print(gdppc.sort_values(by="Country Name").tail(5))
           Country Name  GDP per capita (current US$)
193  West Bank and Gaza                   3789.327966
255               World                  12647.480789
258         Yemen, Rep.                    701.714878
260              Zambia                   1487.907764
261            Zimbabwe                   1266.996031

Introducing Skrub’s fuzzy_join()

Skrub’s fuzzy_join() function is designed to handle non-exact matching entries by performing a fuzzy match between the join key columns. This allows you to join tables even when the join keys don’t match exactly.

Now, let’s use Skrub’s fuzzy_join() function to join the two tables on the country name column:

from skrub import fuzzy_join

df1 = fuzzy_join(
    df,  # our table to join
    gdppc,  # the table to join with
    left_on="Country",  # the first join key column
    right_on="Country Name",  # the second join key column

print(df1[['Country', 'Country Name', "matching_score"]].tail(20))
          Country                                 Country Name  matching_score
127   Madagascar*                                   Madagascar        0.795045
128         Egypt                             Egypt, Arab Rep.        0.654033
129         Chad*                                         Chad        0.683373
130      Ethiopia                                     Ethiopia        1.000000
131        Yemen*                                  Yemen, Rep.        0.653668
132   Mauritania*                                   Mauritania        0.810736
133        Jordan                                       Jordan        1.000000
134          Togo                                         Togo        1.000000
135         India                                        India        1.000000
136        Zambia                                       Zambia        1.000000
137        Malawi                                       Malawi        1.000000
138      Tanzania                                     Tanzania        1.000000
139  Sierra Leone                                 Sierra Leone        1.000000
140      Lesotho*                                      Lesotho        0.755238
141     Botswana*                                     Botswana        0.795825
142       Rwanda*                                       Rwanda        0.754604
143      Zimbabwe                                     Zimbabwe        1.000000
144       Lebanon                                      Lebanon        1.000000
145   Afghanistan                                  Afghanistan        1.000000
146            xx  East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)        0.500000

The resulting table shows the joined data with a matching score indicating the similarity between the join key values.

By using Skrub’s fuzzy_join() function, we can effectively join tables with non-exact matching entries and perform analysis on the combined data.

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