Visualize the Frequency Tokens in a Text Corpora

Visualize the Frequency Tokens in a Text Corpora

If you want to quickly visualize the frequency of tokens in a collection of text documents, use the combination of scikit-learn’s CountVectorizer and Yellowbrick’s FreqDistVisualizer.

Link to Yellowbrick.

My previous tips on visualization.


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3 thoughts on “Visualize the Frequency Tokens in a Text Corpora”

  1. Hello, when I execute the code, I find the difference between the two lines of code.

    1. If we receive the following message: ImportError: Unable to import the name “safe_indexing” from “sklearn.utils”. We’d better save_ Indexng changed to_ safe_ indexing。

    2. I want to ask you if we have the information about NameError: the name “data” is not defined. What can I do to solve this problem. Thank you.

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